
Hi bloggers!

Today I want to talk about a villain, actually is a hero, Maleficent.
For now be a lot of movie to talk about that character, in the most of that talk about a bad fairy who have bad intention to people. I prefer one movie, which this year will have its sequel, Maleficent. In this movie talk the other side of the story, where this “villain” is so villain like is a hero. 

In the first place and why is so perfect the character its because the actress who play the character is Angelina Jolie, a real Queen and one of my favorites actress in all the times. In second place the stetic in the character is perfect, more than the stetic of the movie, the colors on her face and her lips is perfect and the clothes she use are beautiful, the mix between middle ages and fairy tales stories are magnificent. 

The third place why I love Maleficent is because this new history talk about the other side never told. Maleficent before that story was the baddest villain in all the times and here the movie told about a real personal story where love and revenge define the events and why that happens, its like that how a bad fairy comes like a normal person with feelings. 


  1. on october 17th of this year the film two of Malefica is released! she is the favorite character of my little cousin, I hope to take her to the cinema to see the film :)


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