My sister

Hi bloggers!

Today I want to talk about someone from my family, my only one young sister. 
She is Bianca Consigliere, my young sister, she born in 1999 two years after me. When she was young be so insufferable, she cry a lot, fight and discuss so much special with my mum. With me, we have good times playing dolls practice sports together in Stadio Italiano, but when we fight, no one can stop us. 

We swim together a lot of time until she had a sport change, she still swim in water but practice sincronice swim. She always want to do that but my father forced my sister learn all traditional swim style (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle) before her change sport. 

Always she was a good swimmer but when she have thirteen years all she represent Chile in team Chile. In general she travel a lot, special in Europa. She competition in two different World cup and in four  different Panamerican Games. For example the picture was when she won her silver medal in Odesur Cochabamba 2018. 

At school she’s so smart but when she was young don’t be so easy for her to concentrate or organized her homework and she had a little help with that. The same as me when she grew up can’t study so much because she need to swim and was training all the time. Then now she study design at Universidad Diego Portales and she is so happy with that. 


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