The great hack

Hi bloggers!

Today we can talk about something we want, a free post. Well in this new type of work, I want to talk about the new documental in netflix “the great hack”.

The great hack is a documental where different people talk and teach to the spectators what happened in the presidential election in USA. Specific in Trump campaign.

In all around the world was so mediatic when come to the light the truth about the USA Presidential election, then some people said the democracy was lost when Cambridge Analytica intervened inside throw the social media apps. The documental talks about that situation and the truth about Cambridge Analytica and their type of work. 

The work they does was so interesting, they can control the most powerful resurse in the world, data. When they realise that these can do possible to manipulate people without they know, the company and their leader decide to use that in politic campaign. The  truth at the end of the documental is this company manipulate the democracy in more than 10 election in different countries, including withdrawal from the United Kingdom of the European Union. The consequence of that is the closure of the company and a political movement around the world for protect personal data. 
