The Future

The Future

Hi Bloggers!

Today I want to talk about what I would be doing in ten years. Today I be in a special time for my future career, I am in six semester and is in this time when in architecture all of us need to decide which area of architecture, I, want to do for the rest of my life. About this exercise I don’t have a clue, I decide to be open to all the options that appear in the future. 

In the professional topic I see me with a office of architecture with my friends. I don’t know if that would be in Chile or in another country, that's because I want to do a postgrado in Italy and after that a doctorado maybe in another place.  

In the academic topic I want to be in Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, maybe when that institution have another name, being a teacher in the class of Taller “Consigliere”, that’s look so good. 

In the relationship o family topic, I want to have a child at my 30 years. I don’t know if I would be marry or with another person between me because I don’t want to press the situation. Maybe I be marry or no, it something that neither knows. 

But something I really want to do is wake up, swim or do sport and then have a coffee with whom I appreciate, and then go to work at the time of ten and a half of the day. If that can be my routine, I would have a full life.
